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  • Replica of a sphinx statue. A unique statue out of plaster and bronze patina, masterfully handmade with the traditional method of plaster casting. A sphinx is a mythical creature that in history was represented having the head of a human, a falcon, a cat, or a sheep and the body of a lion with the wings of an eagle.In Greek tradition, the sphinx has the head of a woman, the haunches of a lion, and the wings of a bird. She is mythicized as treacherous and merciless and will kill and eat those who cannot answer her riddle. This version of a sphinx derives from the myth and drama of Oedipus.

    Plaster casting greek mythology sphinx plaster home office decor bronze patina

    SKU: S885P
    214,00 €Price
    • 📜 Condition: New, made in Greece
      📜 Materials: Plaster, Bronze Patina
      📜 Dimensions: Width 22 cm (8.66 inches) – Height 30 cm (11.81 inches)
      📜 Technique: Casting plaster
      📜 Product code number: S885P
      📜 Weight 4 kilos

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